Christopher Singh

What is Citizen Journalism?

Chris Singh talks about one way in which we can share stories online through social media – by being a citizen journalist. While we may not have been trained as a journalist, the essential tools are in our hands already. Mobile phones enable us to photograph, film, and record stories, and to share them with others through social media channels.

Citizen journalists see themselves as responsible to share stories – their own and other people’s – in order to communicate their message. What makes a good citizen journalist?

© spanaut. Used under a CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0 licence.

Why a Christian Worldview is Uniquely Relevant to News

News media play a significant role in the everyday lives for most of us. Therefore we need to actively engage the news by asking key questions. In 12 Questions to Ask When Watching the News, I suggest the following question as the final one:

How do a classical Christian view of humanity and the world help us to understand the wider context of the major news stories?

BBC newsroom by Dineshraj Goomany. Used under a CC-BY-SA-2.0 licence.

The need for media presence

Journalism is a key profession in today’s media world. We need journalists who represent various worldviews and faith commitments – with a united commitment to truth, fairness, independence and human dignity. I am convinced that the Christian worldview provides the most credible intellectual foundation for these key values in journalism.