Andy Crouch

Andy Crouch on Cultural Influence

Media has a vital role in making the gospel message available, attractive, and plausible. In this presentation from the Lausanne Global Leadership Forum in Bangalore, India, in June 2013, Andy Crouch considers the use of mass media (forms of media – primarily visual – which entirely transcend embodiment), elite media (primarily word-based media, which powerfully influence the creators of mass media), and social media (rooted in embodied relationships in a way which mass media and elite media can never be).

Edward Cannon, Wayne Pederson, Lauren Libby

Effective and Innovative Use of Radio in Sharing the Gospel Globally

Radio has been a dominant means of communicating the gospel all over the world. Edward Cannon, Wayne Pederson, and Lauren Libby share their expertise and experiences in this fruitful ministry at the Lausanne Global Consultation on Media and the Gospel (November 2013). They also discuss how their organizations are adapting to new methods of communication and seeking to connect to today’s generation.