The Mission Media University of the Visual Story Network is offering a five-week online course in Story in Ministry for mission practitioners, creatives, and leaders of organisations, ministries and churches.
Foundations of Media Strategy online course
Media is widely used in every kind of outreach ministry. The Church has decades of history in using a traditional broadcast approach to media – pushing content out to large audiences. This is not effective in our new media world and we need new strategies. It is no longer enough to push out the story you want to tell using traditional media or even social media channels, and hope that you will connect with an audience.
Expand Your Mission Through Media (for Women) online course
n our age of media, you must be thinking strategically about how to expand your reach. You are taking steps to see His purposes revealed through you. We want to see a movement of women multiplying their mission through media leading to life-change through Jesus. We desire to assist women to integrate more fully in the organizations they are serving. With the …