How do we engage with people in practice?

How do we engage with people in practice? By Tony Watkins
Have you ever had one of those conversations when you know you ought to be able to bring in a Christian perspective? The only problem is how. As the conversation goes on you become more and more anxious. You know you should say something but you just can’t think what. Probably all of us have been there at some time or other… From the book Tony Watkins co-author: “Beyond the Fringe”

Breaking news by Luc De Leeuw. Used under a CC-BY-NC-SA-2.0 licence.

12 Questions to Ask When Watching the News

News media play a significant role in the everyday lives for most of us, and we need to actively engage with it. If we don’t, we fail to appreciate the demanding and significant work of the journalists. Nor do we become critically aware of the explicit angles and the underlying perspectives in the news. The following set of critical questions will help us reflect carefully when watching, reading or listening to the news, whether global, regional, national or local. If you apply such questions as these consistently, engaging the news become increasingly meaningful!